Bihar Organizes Special Training Camp for Engineers on Dam Safety and Flood Management

Experts discuss sedimentation, storage capacity, and compliance with the Dam Safety Act 2021 for five major dams to enhance long-term water management.;

By :  Amit Singh
Update: 2025-03-25 12:53 GMT
Bihar Organizes Special Training Camp for Engineers on Dam Safety and Flood Management
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With the aim of ensuring safety from floods in Bihar, a two-day special training camp has been organized for the concerned engineers of the Water Resources Department. In this, they were given detailed information about the various provisions of the 'Dam Safety Act, 2021' prepared with the aim of ensuring safety, monitoring and maintenance of large dams and their compliance. Along with this, they were trained to survey the sedimentation in reservoirs over time and prepare revised designs in accordance with the changing trend of floods.

Special discussion on 5 major dams of Bihar

In the training program organized at Water and Land Management Institute (WALMI), an institution of the Water Resources Department, special discussion was held on five major dams of Bihar - Upper Kiul, Durgawati, Kohira, Phulwaria and Badua - and detailed information was given about the measures to deal with the reduction in water storage capacity over time, continuous sedimentation and reduction in water storage capacity in future.

The objective of the training was to inform the engineers not only about the measures to deal with the decreasing storage capacity of reservoirs but also to tell what necessary steps should be taken to keep them intact for a long time.

This training program was conducted under the joint aegis of State Dam Safety Organization (SDSO), Bihar and Water and Land Management Institute (WALMI), Patna and under the guidance of E. Awadhesh Kumar, Chairman, SCDS, Bihar. In the program, E. Vijay Kumar, Director, SDSO, Bihar, gave detailed information regarding the important provisions of the Dam Safety Act, 2021 and the provisions of penalty for non-compliance within the time limit.

Many senior officials were present at the inaugural ceremony

The program was inaugurated by E. Mahmood Alam, Chief in Charge of SDSO, Bihar, E. Seema Kumari, Director of WALMI, E. Vijay Kumar, Director of SDSO, EIC Thakur, Advisor to the Chairman of Governing Council WALMI, Professor E. Mohammad Abdul Mannan of WALMI and many senior officials of the department.

In this training program, Superintending Engineers, Executive Engineers and Assistant Engineers of various zones related to Dams and Barrages of Water Resources Department, Government of Bihar participated. Prominent participants included E. Kumar Manoj Gupta, Superintending Engineer of Durgawati Nirman Zone, Bhitari Dam, E. Manoj Kumar, Superintending Engineer of Irrigation Zone, Nawada, E. Dhananjay Kumar Sinha, Superintending Engineer of Son Barrage Zone, Dehri, etc.

Department making efforts for protection from floods

The Water Resources Department is constantly making efforts for better management of water resources available in Bihar, protection from floods and expansion of irrigation facilities. In this direction, modern techniques and schemes of water management are being continuously adopted by the department. Along with this, all necessary studies are being conducted and necessary steps are being taken under the provisions contained in the Dam Safety Act, 2021 for the safety of dams.


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