SJVN launched 35-week-long countdown ‘Incredible SJVN @ 35' on Wednesday to celebrate 35 glorious years of its journey since inception on May 24, 1988. Nand Lal Sharma, Chairman and Managing Director of SJVN, inaugurated the event by lighting 35 diyas, each symbolizing thirty-five eventful years of SJVN's journey filled with achievements and milestones. He congratulated all SJVNites for making this journey successful with hard work and dedication. Sharma appreciated their commitment to achieve the shared vision of 5000 MW by 2023, 25000 MW by 2030 and 50000 MW installed capacity by 2040. " SJVN is cruising ahead and making exponential growth by drawing strength from the commitment of our employees. As a result, today we have a strong and diversified portfolio of around 42,000 MW." said Sharma. On this occasion, Geeta Kapur, Director (Personnel), A.K Singh, Director (Finance) and Sushil Sharma, Director (Electrical) were also present. The event was virtually attended by all CEOs and Heads of Projects in India, Nepal and Bhutan, while all the Head of Departments along with all employees were physically present at Corporate Headquarters, Shimla. The event was virtually telecasted at all the Projects/Units and Offices of SJVN. Students of St. Bede's College, Shimla presented scintillating cultural performances to mark the occasion. During this 35-week-long Countdown ‘Incredible SJVN @ 35', various In-House and Outreach activities such as Awareness Quizzes, Seminars, Conclave, Declamations, Marathons, Cultural Festivals and Sports Meets etc will be organized by all the projects and offices with an aim to create awareness among masses and to motivate the employees to achieve and go beyond the Shared Vision. The 35-week long celebrations will culminate with the Grand Finale on SJVN's Raising Day - 24th May 2023.