Black cardamom: A priceless treasure of taste and health; Provides relief from cold, cough and digestive problems
A spice full of medicinal properties, which improves health and taste;
When a special dish is made at home, like pulao or a special vegetable, the taste of black cardamom adds a different aroma and flavor to it. The use of black cardamom is not limited to enhancing the taste of food, it also has many medicinal properties that are beneficial for health. It can be eaten directly by chewing or its water can be made and drunk. The properties present in black cardamom help protect the body from infection and consumption of its water detoxifies the body.
Ayurvedic importance of black cardamom
Black cardamom is also used in many Ayurvedic medicines. Many diseases can be treated by consuming black cardamom. Black cardamom has rich antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties which work to protect you from seasonal infections like cold, flu and cough.
How to prepare black cardamom water
For this, you have to take 2-3 black cardamoms and put them to boil in 2 cups of water. Now boil the cardamom on low flame for 5-6 minutes. Filter it and when it cools down a little, mix honey in the water and drink it.
When and how should black cardamom water be drunk?
You can drink black cardamom water on an empty stomach in the morning. Normally you can drink cardamom water twice a day. But if you have a cold, you can drink this water several times a day. You can also drink this water after eating.
Benefits of black cardamom
Benefits of cold and cough- People who have the problem of cold and cough should definitely consume black cardamom. Black cardamom has properties that clear the respiratory tract. This makes the mucus deposited in the throat thin and comes out and gives relief to cough.
Digestion will improve- Black cardamom is also considered good for improving stomach and digestion. Problems like gas, acidity and indigestion are cured by eating black cardamom. It also provides relief from stomach pain.
Keeps gums and teeth healthy- Black cardamom is also beneficial for teeth. It has antiseptic properties which help in keeping away problems occurring in teeth and gums. It also strengthens immunity.