Naveen Patnaik, the longest-incumbent Chief Minister of India, has had a remarkable political career. He entered politics in 1997, following the death of his father, Biju Patnaik, a revered leader in Odisha. He founded the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) in 1997 and aligned with the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA). In 2000, Patnaik became the Chief Minister of Odisha and has been re-elected consecutively, serving for over two decades. Known for his clean image and governance reforms, he has focused on development, disaster management, and welfare schemes. Under his leadership, Odisha has seen significant improvements in infrastructure and poverty reduction. Patnaik's popularity remains strong due to his emphasis on transparency and effective administration. He has also distanced his party from the BJP, positioning the BJD as a key regional player. His tenure is marked by stability and progress in the state, making him a prominent figure in Indian politics.
Naveen Patnaik, the longest-incumbent Chief Minister of India, has had a remarkable political career. He entered politics in 1997, following the death of his father, Biju Patnaik, a revered leader in Odisha. He founded the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) in 1997 and aligned with the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA). In 2000, Patnaik became the Chief Minister of Odisha and has been re-elected consecutively, serving for over two decades. Known for his clean image and governance reforms, he has focused on development, disaster management, and welfare schemes. Under his leadership, Odisha has seen significant improvements in infrastructure and poverty reduction. Patnaik's popularity remains strong due to his emphasis on transparency and effective administration. He has also distanced his party from the BJP, positioning the BJD as a key regional player. His tenure is marked by stability and progress in the state, making him a prominent figure in Indian politics.