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Prevention of Cancer Though Chlorophyllin
Cancer is a serious disease that the whole human race is aware of. It is much easier to prevent cancer than to stop it. Many researchers have confirmed that there are different ways founded to cure diseases, but they may it years to reveal because it is in various stages. Supreme Things to Know about Cancer!! In the first stage of cancer, our DNA is damaged because cancer cells are naturally the body's cells, but they contain a very contaminated type of DNA. At this time, the damage to DNA is caused by methylation patterns causing more damage to its structure. It leads to the formation of new cells and the same contaminated DNA is repeated again and again, so it is necessary to prevent the damage caused by it first. Our body is constantly raining free radicals and this is not only from the environment but from the body itself. Our body's immune system works to create free radicals to help kill pathogens and protect our DNA. Mechanisms have evolved in the body to protect and counteract the damage. Antioxidants are one of such important protections. They are also found in our food and our body makes itself. Antioxidants protect our DNA and present themselves as an important defense against cancer and inhibit free radicals that damage DNA. The extent to which antioxidants can inhibit free radicals is detected in a laboratory and their compounds have been tested to inhibit various types of free radicals. But very often not all antioxidants are good at blocking all types of free radicals. Chlorophyllin can help to reduce the development of Cancer!! Many researchers from the Johns Hopkins School of Public are testing whether chlorophyllin supplements can make a difference. They have determined that if chlorophyllin is taken 3 times a day with our food, it can reduce aflatoxin carcinogens in our body by 55%. Researchers predict that this simple and cost-effective method will delay the development of liver cancer. Johns Hopkins study is related to aflatoxin. This chlorophyllin also prevents liver cancer caused by other causes in the body. It has been proven in rodents that chlorophyllin also plays a very important role in liver cancer caused by nitrosamines found in beer and hard liquor and helps prevent it. Nitrosamine is another powerful carcinogen that is also converted to our lunch meats, hotdogs, and similar food items. Chlorophyllin can help Neutralize Carcinogens!! Other studies have shown that in addition to being a powerful antioxidant, chlorophyllin is capable of capturing carcinogens such as heterocyclic amines and may prevent them from binding to the DNA. And for this reason, it is also called an interceptor molecule. When the chemical attaches itself to DNA, it causes addiction and when cells divide, the adduct prevents the DNA from replicating normally. It is important to prevent this type of damage so that the DNA repeats normally and does not create the possibility of cancer. Chlorophyllin with the help of its unique chemical structure can prevent cancer-causing factors. You should also know that chlorophyllin has anti-cancer effects at the molecular level, but it is also a matter that these effects will translate into a visible object. Will a diet headed by chlorophyllin able to prevent cancer remains to be seen, as predicted by researchers at New York Medical College. Cancer in New Versions!! New cancer has been found in a study that has been done with chlorophyllin and this cancer is colon cancer. Chlorophyllin and I3C may prove to be very effective in preventing this type of cancer at an early stage. Research shows that chlorophyllin is one of the most prevalent heterocyclic amines that is found in fried beef (i.e. hamburgers). It can prevent a precancerous condition known as "aberrant crypt foci" and prove to be quite beneficial. In the same study, I3C was also found to be 100% effective. Chlorophyllin and I3C try to keep the heterocyclic amines from metabolizing by the process of inhibiting the metabolism of dangerous chemicals. They don't become carcinogenic is another effective way that chlorophyllin can control cancer. Chlorophyllin was also tested in human breast cancer cells. Researchers at the University of Kentucky successfully tested eight cancer-preventing agents, including chlorophyllin, against chemically induced DNA adduct. The test discovered that chlorophyllin was one of the 16 protectors that can prevent more than 65% of addictions. Genistein and ellagic acid finished second with 45%. The low dosage of chlorophyllin, which plays a vital role in protecting DNA, is why it is the most powerful DNA protectant available in such a small package. Ayurveda has always focused on our ancient Indian Science. It says that the balance of the tridoshas like Vata, Pitta, and Kapha signifies the ruling powers of the human body. It plays an important role in the health of the human body Chlorophyll Detox. It is used to balance the gut microbiota. Ayurveda always teaches us that a h ealthy lifestyle and diet are very helpful in maintaining the balance of doshas. However, as such supplements can contribute to balance the gut metabolism, one can easily live a healthier and happier life.
Vanesha Chlorophyll Detox!! Vanesha Chlorophyll Detox incorporates all the requirements of chlorophyllin that are beneficial for a healthy and happy life. Each sachet of this Vanesha Chlorophyll Detox provides defense from many other minacious diseases. It is also useful to take this detox post-cancer treatment that can prevent repetition. Every single sachet of Vanesha Chlorophyll Detox contains approximately 11.5 cups of spinach chlorophyll. It also has Inulin dietary Fibres equivalent to 400 g baked wheat and over 25 phytonutrients. It also contains Chlorophyllin Copper Complex synthesized from brown (Chlorophyll c) and red algae (Chlorophyll d) sources.

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