Must Know Google's New Rule Will Be Applicable From January 1

The rules are being changed by Google on the guidelines of Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Which will have a direct impact on those making online payments. This new rule will apply to all Google services such as Google Ads, YouTube, Google Play Store, and other payment services. In such a situation, Google service users must know about the changes in the new rules of Google.
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New rule applicable on the guidelines of RBI From January 1, 2022, Google will no longer save customer card details such as card number and expiry date. Let us tell you that before this ... The rules are being changed by Google on the guidelines of Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Which will have a direct impact on those making online payments. This new rule will apply to all Google services such as Google Ads, YouTube, Google Play Store, and other payment services. In such a situation, Google service users must know about the changes in the new rules of Google.
New rule applicable on the guidelines of RBI 
From January 1, 2022, Google will no longer save customer card details such as card number and expiry date. Let us tell you that before this Google saves your card details. In such a situation, when the customer used to make a payment, he only had to enter his CVV number. However, after January 1, customers will have to remember the expiry date along with the card number to make manual online payment. In fact, RBI has been instructed not to save card details for the purpose of making sensitive information secure.
Manual payers will be affected 
If you use Visa or MasterCard, you will need to authorize the card details to be saved in the new format. You have to make the same manual payment with your existing card details. To avoid re-entering your card details later, the payment must be completed before December 31, 2021. Details to be entered from January 1  If you use RuPay, American Express, Discover or Diners Card, then your card details will not be saved by Google after December 31, 2021. The new format does not accept these cards. In such a situation, from January 1, 2022, you will have to enter the card details for every manual payment. Photo-Social Media
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