Road Safety 101: Simple Rules to Prevent Accidents

Hundreds of people die in road accidents every year in the country. The driver should follow all the rules while driving on the road. Also, if the driver keeps some things in mind before going out on the road, then many major accidents can be avoided. However, sometimes even after following all the rules properly, an accident happens. Know in the article below which rules can be followed to reduce road accidents. Also, safe driving can be done on the road.
Follow the lane rule properly
It is often seen on the roads that most of the drivers do not follow the lane rule. You may be surprised to know that the major reason for most of the road accidents in the country is violation of the lane rule. Most of the drivers driving the car do not know how and how to change the lane. In such a situation, the vehicles collide. For your information, let us tell you that if the lane of the vehicle has to be changed on the road or on the highway, then keep a distance of about 25 meters from the vehicles running in front and behind the vehicle. After this, give the vehicle indicator in the direction you want to go and then slowly take your vehicle in that lane. If you follow the lane rules properly while driving on the road, then accidents can be avoided.
Correct use of vehicle lights
Vehicles have very useful lights on both the front and rear sides. However, wrong use of lights is also a big reason for road accidents. If the driver uses the lights properly, then many big accidents can be avoided. If you are driving in the city, on small roads or on a turn, then use the dim light of the vehicle. On the other hand, if you are driving the vehicle on the highway, in the village or on a dark road, then use the deeper light. Very few people know the difference between dim and deeper lights of the car. In such a situation, the driver should have the correct information about it.
Follow the rules in parking
Along with the demand of cars in the country, the problem of parking them is also increasing. In such a situation, if the driver parks the vehicle properly in the parking lot, many accidents can be avoided. It is often seen that drivers park the vehicle in such a way that the vehicles already parked there do not get a way to pass. At the same time, the vehicles coming later have trouble coming to the parking lot. In such a situation, if the vehicle is parked properly, accidents can be reduced to a great extent.