Chief Minister Nitish Kumar Reviews Flood Situation in Patna and Vaishali Districts

Chief Minister Shri Nitish Kumar today took stock of the flood situation caused by the rising water level of the Ganga river in Patna and Vaishali districts by conducting an aerial survey and gave necessary guidelines to the officials.

While instructing the officials during the inspection, the Chief Minister said that the Water Resources Department should be fully alert and keep monitoring continuously. Keep a close eye on the possible situations in the low-lying areas where water is rising. The District Magistrate should keep monitoring continuously. He said that the engineers should be fully alert and senior officials should keep camping at the site. The Disaster Management Department should keep monitoring continuously to see what else needs to be done so that people do not face any problems. In case of flood, full assistance should be provided to the affected as per the SOP.

The Chief Minister said that as per the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), detailed guidelines have been given to all the districts and related departments, whose strict compliance should be ensured. He said that complete arrangements should be made regarding boat operation, polythene sheets, availability of relief material, medicine, animal fodder, flood shelter, community kitchen, dry ration packets/food packets, District Emergency Operation Center etc. so that immediate relief can be provided to the people.

During the inspection, Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Samrat Chaudhary, MP Mr. Sanjay Kumar Jha, Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister Mr. Deepak Kumar and Secretary to the Chief Minister Mr. Anupam Kumar were present.

Amit Singh
Amit Singh  

Media Professional & Co-Founder, Illustrated Daily News | 15+ years of experience | Journalism | Media Expertise

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