Why does uric acid increase rapidly in women? Know these are the main reasons

Women often have more uric acid problems than men. But why? Women's hormonal health is most affected. Apart from this, their digestive system is also affected, due to which the body is unable to digest purines and the problem of uric acid starts increasing. Along with this, there are many other reasons related to health, due to which the problem of uric acid can be more prevalent in women. Let's know.

Uric acid increases rapidly in women due to these reasons:

Periods and poor hormonal health: Sex hormones play an important role in keeping uric acid balanced. It was found that the level of uric acid increases around or during periods in premenopausal women. This happens due to poor hormonal health. In such a situation, if this problem persists, consult a doctor.

Due to poor digestion: Metabolism affects the level of uric in your body. Actually, the problem of uric acid actually starts when the body remains inactive in digesting protein and especially purines. Metabolic syndrome can be caused by many chronic diseases including diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and chronic kidney disease.

Due to fasting: Women often observe a lot of fasts or do puja. This affects the metabolism and increases the problems related to digestive enzymes. This reduces the digestive enzymes needed to digest protein and this causes the problem of uric acid.

Due to menopause: Serum uric acid levels increase in women with menopause. This is due to hormonal imbalance caused by a lack of estrogen in which the uric acid level of the body increases. So, women should not ignore all such problems and consult a doctor.

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