4th National Lok Adalat for 2024 successfully organised at New Delhi
Empowering Access to Justice Through Amicable Dispute Resolution Across Judicial Forums;
The Delhi State Legal Services Authority, under the National Legal Services Authority, successfully organized its 4th National Lok Adalat for 2024 across various judicial forums, including the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi, District Court Complexes, Permanent Lok Adalats, Debt Recovery Tribunals, State Consumer Commission, and District Consumer Commissions.
This important event, held on the Second Saturday, 14th December 2024, marks a key milestone in our commitment to ensuring justice for all. It goes beyond traditional boundaries and transforms the landscape of dispute resolution in India. The National Lok Adalat, in its endeavour to address a wide spectrum of disputes, targets an extensive range of cases. These include issues falling within the purview of Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, Criminal Compoundable Cases, Civil Cases, Motor Accident Claim Tribunal cases, Bank Recovery matters, Matrimonial Disputes (excluding divorce cases), Land Acquisition disputes, Labour Disputes, and cases governed by the Arbitration & Conciliation Act. Additionally, in this instance also, adjudication has also been extended to compoundable traffic challans, further broadening the scope of the initiative. The inclusive approach of Lok Adalats ensures that individuals from diverse backgrounds have access to dispute resolution. Known for their efficient handling of cases, Lok Adalats accelerates proceedings, helping to reduce the backlog in the judicial system.
A key benefit of participating in the National Lok Adalat is its cost-effectiveness. By focusing on amicable solutions, it often removes the need for lengthy legal battles, resulting in significant savings in both time and money. Sh. Rajeev Bansal, Ld. Member Secretary, DSLSA highlighted the ongoing endeavours under the adept guidance and direction of Hon’ble Mr. Justice Vibhu Bakhru, Acting Chief Justice of the High Court of Delhi and Executive Chairperson of DSLSA. These endeavours are focused on advancing Alternate Dispute Resolution techniques, with a dual aim of promoting them, both as preventative measures and during ongoing litigation. This proactive approach underscores the commitment to effective conflict resolution strategies throughout the legal process. In this National Lok Adalat, Hon’ble Mr. Justice Vibhu Bakhru, Acting Chief Justice, High Court of Delhi/Executive Chairperson, DSLSA along with Sh. Sanjay Garg, Ld. Principal District & Sessions Judge (Hdq.), Central District and Sh. Vinod Kumar, Ld. Principal District & Sessions Judge, West District; Sh. Rajeev Bansal, Ld. Member Secretary, DSLSA along with Ld. Secretaries, DSLSA/DLSAs and other dignitaries, personally visited the Tis Hazari Courts Complex to oversee the arrangements for the 4th National Lok Adalat. The dignitaries conducted a thorough tour of the Court Complex, actively participating in discussions with Presiding Officers and Associate Members overseeing different Lok Adalat benches. Amidst this engagement, the Hon’ble Executive Chairperson, Hon’ble Mr. Justice Vibhu Bakhru, graciously took a moment to extend his heartfelt appreciation and recognition to the transgender individuals, acid attack survivors, and senior citizens who diligently served as Associate Members at the Tis Hazari Courts Complex, underscoring their invaluable contributions to the legal system. Shri Rajeev Bansal, Ld. Member Secretary, DSLSA underscored that the National Lok Adalat serves as a distinctive platform for dispute resolution, fostering conciliation and amicable settlements. He further emphasized that this initiative reflects our unwavering commitment to nurturing a legal system that is not only fair and just but also easily accessible to all segments of society. Mr. Bansal highlighted DSLSA's continued engagement with Transgenders, Senior Citizens, persons with disabilities, individuals from the North-East region of the country, and Acid Attack victims in the decision-making process by appointing them as Associate Members in Lok Adalat Benches across different Court complexes. During the Lok Adalats, DSLSA took painstaking measures to prevent overcrowding in any of the court complexes. Essential facilities, such as Help Desks, Wheelchairs, ramps, restroom amenities, clean drinking water facilities, and ample space for bank negotiations and public seating, were meticulously arranged across all court complexes, tribunals, and forums. Furthermore, adequate police/security arrangements were made to ensure a seamless and hassle-free experience for attendees. Special Help Desks stationed at the entry of each court complex provided visitors with information pertaining to the Lok Adalats, facilitating their quest for amicable dispute resolution. Additionally, provisions were made to offer basic amenities and foster an environment conducive to the resolution of disputes. In the seven District Court Complexes, 352 Lok Adalat Benches were constituted to deal with all types of Civil and Criminal Compoundable cases whereas in Hon’ble High Court of Delhi, Debt Recovery Tribunals, Consumer Forums and Permanent LokAdalats 15 Lok Adalat Benches were constituted. This time 2,79,496 cases have been referred in this National Lok Adalat by the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi, Tribunals/ Consumer Forums and all District Courts. These cases include 1,80,000 NBT traffic challans; 740 traffic challans which were pending in Courts; 66,026 pending cases in various District Courts; 30,518 pre- litigative cases and 2212 cases pending in Hon’ble High Court of Delhi, Debt Recovery Tribunals, Consumer Forums and Permanent Lok Adalats. In District Courts, total 1,54,973 cases were settled and settlement amount was Rs.270.81 Crore. In above, 1,22,965 traffic challans were disposed of across Delhi for a cumulative settlement/fine amount of Rs. 1.67 Crores. DSLSA takes immense pride in informing that one MACT Case titled “Sunil Vs. Gajender” was settled in South DLSA, Saket Courts Complex, for an amount of Rs. 90 Lac (approx.) to be paid by the insurance company to the dependants of the motor accident victim.
Apart from above, one oldest case pertains to the year 2016, bearing case DAR No.593/16 titled “Nagender Sahni Vs. Vicky” was also amicably settled today in New Delhi DLSA, Patiala House Courts. Lok Adalat Bench was also constituted at Delhi High Court, New Delhi where 20 cases were settled for a settlement amount was Rs. 86.11 Lac. Lok Adalat benches were also constituted at District Consumer Forums where 206 cases were settled for a settlement amount of Rs. 8.78 Crores. Lok Adalat benches were also constituted at Debt Recovery Tribunals where 173 cases were settled for a settlement amount of Rs. 1422.62 Crores. Lok Adalat Bench for electricity matter was also constituted at Permanent Lok Adalat where 1320 cases were settled for a settlement amount of Rs. 5.14 Crores. Overall, 1,56,692 cases were settled and the settlement amount was Rs.1708.21 Crores. Judges throughout Delhi very actively participated in Lok Adalat. Litigants actively joined the proceedings for settlement/amicable disposal of their cases.