Diabetes patients can control blood sugar levels quickly - know easy ways
Control this lifestyle disease with a better lifestyle habit.;
Diabetes is emerging as an epidemic in the country and the world. It is a lifestyle disease that you can control with a better lifestyle. Because this disease cannot be completely eradicated. The patient should take utmost care of these things along with his diet. Let's know what things a diabetes patient should keep in mind to control increased blood sugar.
Diabetic patients should keep these things in mind:
Diet should be excellent: The diet of a diabetes patient should be excellent. Only when the diet is good, you can control this disease because it is a disease related to lifestyle and bad eating habits. You can consume dry fruits (eat dry fruits by soaking or roasting them before eating, eating raw can cause flatulence) and grains like curd, jowar, ragi and bazar in your diet.
Exercise daily: If you are a diabetic patient, then exercise daily to keep yourself fit. This will not only control your blood sugar but will also reduce obesity. Therefore, do exercise regularly for 40 minutes to one hour. Do pranayama for 20 minutes during the day. Exercise improves blood circulation and provides sufficient oxygen to every cell of the body, which detoxifies the liver and helps in the proper secretion of insulin.
Do not eat late: If you want to control diabetes and stay healthy forever, then eat dinner early. Have your dinner between 6 and 7 pm. Eating early is the easiest way to reduce sugar levels and the risk of heart diseases. Eating dinner before sunset is the best option. But if you have a busy work schedule, then you should have dinner at least by 8 pm.
Do not go to sleep immediately after eating: People with high sugar levels should not sleep during the day. This increases Kapha dosha in the body (Diabetes is considered a Kaphaja disease in Ayurveda) due to which the sugar level in the blood increases and hence never sleeps immediately after eating. Even at night- it is advisable to sleep 3 hours after dinner, so having dinner before sunset is the best option.