Do Not Make The Mistake Of Taking The Problem Of Cough, Fatigue And Congestion Lightly, Omicron May Have Symptoms

Update: 2023-06-11 11:59 GMT
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More and more information has been received about the major symptoms of the new variant of corona, omkron. according to the us centers for disease control (cdc), do not ignore symptoms like cough, chest tightness and fatigue at all as these may be the effect of this new variant. so if you have any of these problems, take special care of yourself

Fully vaccinated with symptoms Cdc chief dr. rochelle wolensky said that so far more than 40 people in the country have been found to have symptoms of omicron and more than three quarters of these people are fully vaccinated. .
News deta More and more information has been received about the major symptoms of the new variant of corona, omkron. according to the us centers for disease control (cdc), do not ignore symptoms like cough, chest tightness and fatigue at all as these may be the effect of this new variant. so if you have any of these problems, take special care of yourself. Fully vaccinated with symptoms Cdc chief dr. rochelle wolensky said that so far more than 40 people in the country have been found to have symptoms of omicron and more than three quarters of these people are fully vaccinated. the good news is that mild symptoms of infection have been found in the patients. dr. wolensky said that no one has reported death even after the main symptoms of the disease include cough, chest tightness and fatigue. in such a situation, do not ignore following the kovid protocol at all. apply mask, continue sanitization and follow a distance of two yards and if any of these symptoms are seen, then isolate immediate
  So far in 57 countries According to who director general tedros, omicron may be less dangerous than del South africa's largest private healthcare network netcare ltd and the us cdc have also reported mild symptoms in people infected with the omicron variant. The who chief said, the data received from africa shows that the risk of re-infection from omicron is high. He said that the spread to 57 countries suggests that the new variant may be more contagious in such cases.
The effect will be much lighter than all three waves On the other hand, according to south african netcare, although the number of omicron patients is increasing, but only mild symptoms of the disease are showing According to the network's ceo executive officer richard friedland, "based on the symptoms seen in our hospitals in gauteng province, it can be said that omicron will be much milder than what we have seen during the last three waves. 90 percent of the patients admitted in netcare hospitals did not require Oxygen.                  

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