Change urgently needed to remove corrupt, dishonest politicians

Update: 2023-06-11 11:59 GMT
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There is no doubt that the country's politics has been dependent on lies, fraud, black money and cunningness for years. The number of poor continued to increase during the tenure of the party which ruled for years on the slogan of Garibi Hatao. On the other hand, in the time of the party which promised to bring good days, the people are suffering due to unemployment and inflation. The party which raised the slogan of socialism bowed down before the capitalists and criminals and in the time of politics of Bahujan, only the relatives could be benefited, no one even has time to know in what condition the Bahujans are today. The leaders who started the anti-corruption movement and pleaded for honesty, as soon as they got power, plunged into the cesspool of corruption in such a way that they do not even take the name of coming out of it. It is the compulsion of the public that when everyone is naked in the hammam, then where should they go? In today's politics, everyone is competing to expose each other's dishonesty and the public, seeing this spectacle, is forced to think that who is the most corrupt among these dishonest people, how it should be decided.

Now in the new year, many assembly elections are to be held and in all these states, political turmoil has started. And with this the game of humiliating each other has started at any level. No one is ready to lag behind anyone in the race to polarize caste and religion. All the so-called leaders and their parties have forgotten that politics is only a medium to serve the society and this path was not made for looting the public and filling the house and licking the cream of power. People had also formed many parties to get freedom for the country and the leaders of that time without any hope of getting anything, only for the country and the society, they suffered the tragedy of being behind bars for years.

Our Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi understood very well about the distorted form of politics and that is why he gave the highest place to truth and non-violence in his political journey. He has written – "Most of the religious people I have met are politicians in disguise. But wearing the garb of a politician, I am a religious person from my heart." He has further said about the distorted form of politics i.e. religionless politics- "If I participate in politics, it is because politics We are all surrounded like a snake, from which no matter how much one tries, one cannot get out, I want to fight with that snake. It is clear from this that Gandhiji took part in politics only to make it a means of public service. Throughout his life, he did such experiments in politics, which were supposed to promote public welfare, not for his own selfishness.It has become almost impossible to even describe the distorted form of politics today. How to change this distorted form of politics, this very question is standing in front of the country today. If negative thinkers agree then nothing is going to change now and in future also corrupt, miscreants, liars, fraudsters and criminals will keep sitting on politics by hitting their horoscopes and innocent people will continue to suffer like before. The number of people with such thinking is huge, but fortunately, facts and logic are completely opposite to their thinking. Our country's thousands of years of civilization and its history is the witness to the fact that both time and man, based on lies, deceit, crookedness, have an end and similarly today's corrupt, moralless politics will also end soon. is inevitable. The only thing is that those who have the spirit to do something selflessly for the country and the society and believe in the right path have to be ready to play the role of leaders of change.

The history of all countries and human civilization is witness to the fact that change has always been brought about only by a handful of courageous, hardworking and selfless people and even today only such a handful of people are needed by this country. Is . Certainly there is no dearth of such people in the country who have a heartfelt desire to change these deteriorating conditions. Today, the need of the hour is to change the direction and condition of politics by bringing such people together and to establish such a political system in which there is no place for caste, religion, black money, lies, deceit and adultery. Only after this kind of political change, the country will be able to get rid of the horrors of poverty, injustice, oppression, tyranny, and inequality prevalent for years.

(Vijay Shankar Pandey is former Secretary to the Government of India)


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